Stargazing Live 2019 poster

Setting up the gear at the Pavilion Cafe in Williamson Park, Lancaster

Oh, there it is ... inside

Stargazing Live 2019 poster
Stargazing Live 2019
Another successful outreach event from LaMAS
40th Anniversary 1978 - 2018

Anniversary cake

Preparing to cut the cake

Some final thoughts about the past and the future

Anniversary cake



Astro notes

Stargazing Live 2018
Stargazing Live 2017
Some great images from the Stargazing in the Park sessions, March 2017
Thanks to Joe and his team at the Park, the LaMAS members who were able to come along and support, and to everyone who came and gazed in wonder...
See you next time !!!

Astronomy for all

Setting up the equipment at the Ashton Memorial in Lancaster

A lovely end to the day

Astronomy for all

Explaining how an astronomical telescope works

Sungazing in Williamson Park 2015

Dr Keith Robinson entertaining the societies with an after dinner talk at the Inter Society Xmas Dinner

Explaining how an astronomical telescope works
Public events
As well as the monthly meetings, the society tries to get out and about once in a while. Here’s some pictures from our adventures in “public outreach”