Here's a composite shot of the International Space Station (ISS) flying West to East last night. At magnitude -3.3 it was brighter than the planet Jupiter towards which it seems to be travelling. The ISS passes through the lower reaches of the summer triangle, with the Milky Way glowing faintly in the background.
Details: 8x20s ISO 640
Sony A7iii with Samyang 12mm lens @f/4
tripod (no star tracker)
Individual frames stacked in Sequator (for star background and milkyway) and separately in Photoshop (for ISS). Final image blended together, and colour corrected etc in PS. This isn't the most accurate way of doing it, but was fairly quick and easy.
The Clear Outside weather App, or Heavens Above website give accurate predictions for the ISS as well as lots of other satellites if you fancy a go !
Chairman Mike
